Escaping Abusive Relationships
I am writing a book which needs your help - to help others.
This book is a collaboration between myself and other women and men who have escaped toxic and abusive relationships and have created happy and positive lives for themselves.
There IS life after the relationship. There is freedom and there is the very real possibility of thriving, not just surviving.
By sharing our stories, focusing on the afterlife (!) on the freedom, the joy, the laughter and successes, we will inspire others who are living in fear, as we once did, to take hope and inspiration from our lives.
The positive effect has already begun - as I first posted advertising for collaborators, someone who saw the post told someone they knew, who then contacted me. They are now working on their exit strategy and building a new life and regaining their confidence. This book is important for exactly this reason. Help me to help others.
Be the encouragement that you needed.
For more information or to get involved, please email me on